Wednesday, November 19, 2008


Neither infection of mine is cleared up yet, and with ST needing shoulder surgery very soon, we cancelled the weekend plans :-(

With my current fatigue level, he would have spent a third of the time sleeping, and a third of the time watching me read a book or something equally coma-like.


Just figured you might wonder why I am still so quiet! I will be hopefully perking up soon and running through the new blogs at top speed! I have visited a few. I am not mingling well with the Google Reader.

I hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving!


IndigoSunMoon said...

Well girl, are we going to have to take you out in a field and shoot you like an old lame horse?
I hope hope hope you feel better soon!
Connie said...

hope you get to feeling better soon.

Paula said...

Thinking of you and wishing you well.

Celeste said...

ope ypu get better soon

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

I'm sorry to hear that you are still not doing well and will have to forgo your trip. Take good care and get better soon!
'On Ya'- ma

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

I'm sorry to hear that you are still not doing well and will have to forgo your trip. Take good care and get better soon!
'On Ya'- ma

Myra said...

Why pay $$ at a hotel when you can sleep at home...for free! Hope you feel better :)

sunflowerkat said...

I have the best luck catching new entries with a blog roll on my sidebar. Whenever someone posts, it pops up to the top of the list.

I hope you feel better soon. It's just no fun when you're dragging.

Missie said...

Sorry you had to cancel your trip. Feel better soon!

Martha said...

Sorry your plans got all messed up. I hope you get all better soon!!

Rose said...

nuts that stinks! hope you feel better soon!

Claudia said...


I have nominated you for the Maria Antoinette award. Check my journal. Although you have been sick and I admire how you have taken care of your recently blinded dog and you journals keep me laughing. Check my journal


Monica said...

I sure hope you are feeling better.

Monica said...

suzy, are you any better?
Hope so.

Paula said...

Well here it is Christmas eve. Hope you are just busy and not ill. Have a good holiday.

Donna - DBP said...

I hope you had a merry Christmas and that we will be hearing from you again soon.

Janie said...

Hope all is well with you and family. Blessings, Janie

Monica said...

Just checking in to see how you are holding up.


Rose said...

I miss you! hope all is well!! or are frozen AND snowed in???!!

Janie said...

Suzy... sure hope things are looking better for you. In my thoughts... and prayers too. Janie

Anonymous said...

It's been awhile....hope everything is ok!